Candidate Sourcing

Discover new candidate sources and fill your pipeline with numerous candidates that are right for the job.

Increasing the number of candidates and empowering new candidate sources is the top priority of most recruitment teams. Achieve these goals with Talenteria candidate sourcing software.

Automated Broadcast to Multiple Job Boards

Let the world know you are hiring with this candidate sourcing tool. Publish your job openings to all popular job boards with a few clicks. You can set up automatic publishing or select only featured jobs. With Talenteria’s automated broadcast tool, you can:

  • Broadcast to hundreds of job boards via Zip Recruiter
  • Share to social networks (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter)
  • Integrate with Google Jobs

Source Candidates From Your Career Site

Launch a newly branded career site and get an effective source of top talents. Let candidates browse the list of open positions on your company career page and fill out applications online. Your career site will contain:

  • Searchable mobile-friendly list of jobs, structured by location, category, or team
  • Custom landing pages for featured jobs instead of boring job descriptions
  • Configurable application forms for prospect generation

Engage Passive Candidates From Talent Pools

Passive candidates are an important source for the talent pipeline. Build multiple pools of candidates for specific job categories and use them for future recruiting needs. Our candidate sourcing platform offers:

  • Talent pools with engaging landing pages
  • Enrollment in talent pools via the career site’s application form
  • Higher engagement of passive candidates with automatic job alerts

Employee Referrals

Ask your great employees to recommend great candidates. Utilizing your existing employee network gives an incredible improvement to candidate sourcing. Talenteria is an easy-to-use tool that lets HR managers engage and track internal referrals.

  • Incorporate an employee referral section on career site
  • Share on employee social networks
  • Track and monitor referrals
Boost your recruitment with Talenteria!