Recruitment Analytics and Integrations

Understand your data and get actionable insights to boost your hiring performance. 

Talenteria will bring your hiring process to another level - allowing you to find a well-fitted employee for your company quickly and without a huge cost. You just need to use the recruitment analytics software that Talenteria has made available for you.

Career Site Performance and ROI 

Measure the performance of your career site to prove the return of your investments. 

  • Track site visitors and their conversion-to-candidate rate 
  • Measure the popularity and views of different site sections and pages 
  • Filter visitors and candidates by date 
analytics job

Candidate Sources and Channels Analytics 

Understand which recruiting channels and sources work the best to optimize your budget. Talenteria’s recruitment reports on sources include: 

  • Number of candidates by each channel 
  • Performance of sources by candidate status 
  • Top popular jobs and talent pools 

Integration with OpenAI / ChatGPT

Empower your recruitment with AI chatbot, generate job descriptions, candidate emails and career site content with Generative AI

  • Conversational AI Chatbot
  • AI-written job descriptions and career site pages
  • Automatically generated candidate emails
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Integration with Google Analytics 

Automatically integrate with Google Analytics to get the most comprehensive web metrics for measuring audience, acquisition, and behavior. HR managers can track the following and more: 

  • Visitors, as well as their demographic and technology 
  • Organic and paid traffic 
  • Performance of pages and content 

Integration with External Systems 

Integrate Talenteria with more than 3000 applications via Zapier, iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) that provides quick and easy integration with apps. 

  • Get job openings from your HR system or other ATS 
  • Transfer candidate data to HR or onboarding software 
  • Pass candidates to external communication tools (Mailchimp etc) 
Empower your Recruitment with Generative AI!