How to Structure an Informal Job Offer Letter

Informal Job Offer Letter Template

Finding an ideal candidate is not easy. In most cases, you need to go through many resumes and see many applicants before making a decision. But after all this effort, when it is time to send out a job offer letter, you realize that this is just as important as any other recruiting process stage. After all, you have to make the best job offer to attract the best talent.

What Is a Job Offer Letter?

A job offer is an invitation sent to a potential employee to take a particular role. Whenever the hiring manager finds a suitable candidate, they usually contact the latter to announce their decision and make a job offer.

If the job offer is verbal, the recruiter calls the selected candidate and informs them that they are offering them the position.  Depending on the Organization's policy and the hiring process, the candidate will also receive the offer by email or writing.

A job offer to a candidate, whether made by phone or email, must be accompanied by a formal job offer letter that confirms the offer's details.

What Is Included in a Job Offer Letter?

Make sure your job offer letter from employer to a job candidate includes:

  • Formal job title and description
  • Starting date
  • Working hours and schedule
  • Name of their boss/manager
  • Salary and salary structure
  • Pay period, potential stock options, and other payment information
  • Benefits
  • Privacy policies
  • Conditions of the employment relationship

Job Offer Letter Templates

Below, you can find three excellent templates to help you craft job offers for most situations.

General Job Offer Letter Template

If you need a simple job offer letter template, take a look at the one below. This is an email template you can use if you have found your ideal candidate and want to offer them a full-time job.

Don't forget to customize it and include as many details as you think your potential employee might want to know before making the final decision. Also, consider attaching a document that outlines the essential terms of employment.

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

We are impressed with your skills and experience and are pleased to offer you the [position name] role at [Organization's name]!

Please review our formal job offer, which includes essential information about your compensation, benefits, and the terms and conditions of your employment with [Organization's Name].

We would be pleased to have you start on [starting date] at [workplace location]. Expected hours of work are [days of week and hours of work].

Compensation for this position is [salary] per [month, year, hour, etc.]. You will be paid on a [weekly/bi-weekly/ monthly] basis, starting [date of next pay period].

As an employee of [Organization's Name], you will also be eligible for [benefits details].

Please note our employment and termination policies: [details of at-will employment, if applicable].

Please indicate your agreement with these terms mentioned above and accept this offer by signing and dating this agreement on or before [month/day]. We are excited to have you on the team!


[Hiring Manager's Name]

Informal Job Offer Letter Template

If you are looking for a less formal job offer email sample, try this one. This is a pretty simple job offer template that is perfect for positions where you want to add personality to a relatively dry offer letter. Feel free to use this email template when creating your job offer letter for any role.

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

We are so excited to welcome you to our team! We are impressed with your skills and experience and are happy to offer you the [position name] role at [Organization's Name]. You were our top candidate out of [number of candidates]!

Below you can read details about compensation, benefits, and your anticipated job's terms and conditions with [Organization's Name].

[Organization’s Name] is offering a [full time, part-time, etc.] position for you as [position name], reporting to [Manager’s Name] starting on [starting date] at [workplace location]. Expected hours of work are [days of week and hours of work].

Compensation for this role is [salary] per [month, year, hour, etc.]. You will be paid on a [weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.] basis, starting [date of next pay period].

As part of your compensation, we're also offering [benefits details].

Can you please confirm your acceptance by [month/day]? You can send it to this email address. Please let [Contact's Name] know of any questions you have in the meantime.


[Hiring Manager's Name]

Job Offer Warm-Up Email Template

In case you are all ready to make a job offer, but feel like you want to discuss the details with the candidate one last time, check out this email template and, if necessary, make some changes to it.

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

Thank you once again for taking your time to talk with me! We had [number of applicants] apply for this job, but you're our top candidate because [reasons why they are your top choice]. Besides, we believe you'd be a great cultural fit with our team because [reason why they would be a good fit].

Do you have time [date and time] to review this position's details and talk about a job offer?


[Hiring Manager's Name]

How Can You Measure and Improve Your Job Offer Acceptance Rate?

The job offer acceptance rate (OAR) shows the percentage of candidates who have accepted a formal job offer letter.

This is an extremely useful hiring indicator. Talenteria splits this ratio into three categories:

  1. Low OAR (<40%): It indicates that something is wrong with your talent acquisition strategies.
  2. Medium OAR (40%-90%): This is a middle-of-the-road indicator level.
  3. High OAR (> 90%): It may indicate a good match between your organization's requirements and the expectations of the selected candidates. Typically, a high job offer acceptance rate is the cumulative result of excellent communication, competitive offers, and great candidate experience.

Summing up, it is not only important to send an exceptional job offer to a candidate, but also to get an acceptance letter from them. To keep track of such hiring metrics, consider adding Talenteria to your arsenal of HR tools. This recruitment marketing platform is a lifesaver for hiring managers. Reach out to learn more!

