Sponsored Job Posting as a Perfect Solution to Fill Open Positions ASAP

What Is Sponsored Job Posting?

If you are a recruiter or an HR manager, you have several options to find an ideal candidate for your open position. The easiest way is to rely on Talenteria to build your perfect team, but other than that, you may want to do it the old-fashioned way - namely, by posting your ads on various platforms. 

Active job seekers tend to visit job search platforms nearly every day. In order to find the job that will fit them best, they are advised to specify the type of job they are looking for and the location where they would like to work. Besides, a job seeker can customize their desired salary range, experience level, and others.

The search results they see are a mix of non-sponsored jobs (also known as ‘organic’ jobs) and sponsored jobs. 

Defining Sponsored Job Posting

A sponsored job posting is an advertisement created by an employer or recruiter on a job search portal (also on a social media platform or industry-related website) to notify the public about an imminent or future job opening in their organization.

With more visibility over time, sponsored posting may help recruiters attract more quality job seekers to their listing than a free advertisement.

Sponsored jobs are the first thing job seekers see when visiting a particular platform, as it usually stands out above other vacancies to ensure maximum visibility among relevant applicants.

How Do Sponsored Jobs Work?

Job search platforms usually only incur costs when an applicant clicks on the job advertisement, and the amount of money the employer pays depends on which daily, weekly, or monthly budget they choose. This budget depends on the type of job, how soon it must be filled, and where the job is located.

When a recruiter posts a vacancy, they generally have the option to choose their budget after submitting the vacancy information. To help recruiters decide on the budget, the platform may have a special tool to estimate ​​how many applications can be expected.

This estimated number is based on the performance of vacancies similar to this one. Typically, the higher the budget is, the more applicants will apply for the job.

Benefits of Sponsoring a Job

Sponsored job postings maintain their visibility at the top of search results, as, unlike regular postings, they don’t fall back in search results over time (if we are talking about job search platforms).

In addition, sponsored jobs boost traffic and the potential number of applicants, which allows the employer to expand their candidate pool.

That being said, if you’re a recruiter who is currently struggling to find a candidate for your open position or needs to hire new talent as quickly as possible, sponsoring your job might be the perfect solution for you.

To sum up, here is what recruiters can get from sponsored posting:

  • 30-50% more applicants
  • Faster and easier recruitment of passive candidates
  • An opportunity to reach the most suitable candidates based on their skills and experience