Useful Information About Job Requisitions


Don't know how to find competent employees and reduce the deadline for filling vacancies? Talenteria will help! First, you need a well-written job requisition for the selection of personnel. This article will tell you how to write an application for recruiting – a job requisition – to find a suitable candidate and will also explain what nuances need to be taken into account. We will also share sample application forms and provide useful tips for hiring requisitions.

What Is a Job Requisition?

To correctly determine the requirements for a vacancy, choose the most effective search sources and tools for evaluating candidates for an interview, eliminate mistakes in hiring, and use a job requisition –  the latter is a document that provides all the information you need to fill a vacancy quickly. The quality of the selection depends on the quality of this document. The job requisition definition is a sound basis for a job profile – a tool for assessing employees. Therefore, a well-written hiring requisition simplifies the work of a recruiter and the HR manager.

A job requisition is developed by an HR specialist in conjunction with the head of the future employee. Sometimes managers think that this is only the task of the recruiter. It’s not. Explain that the manager must complete all the requisition sections since they know best who and for what work they need a specialist.

HR is obliged to organize the application development process, record the information received from the manager of the vacancy, check it with the staffing table, write job descriptions, and fill out other regulatory documents of the organization, in which the functionality and requirements for the position are prescribed. Also, the recruiting specialist clarifies with employees in a similar situation the features of their work and, if required, makes adjustments to the job reqs.

 Tip: to avoid situations when the manager does not want to help the recruiting specialist, write down their obligation to cooperate with this specialist when drawing up a job requisition.

What Does a Job requisition Include?

The need for a hiring requisition arises every time an employer opens one or more vacancies. In a generalized form, this document reflects the profile of the vacant position. It contains information from which the recruiter starts finding and selecting the most suitable candidate. You can conduct a search both on your own and with the help of a recruiting agency. Typically, filling out an application for recruiting is entrusted to an HR specialist in close cooperation with the department's direct head for whom they are looking for employees. The head of the department (department, working group) must form a list of requirements for each applicant, indicate which qualities are fundamentally crucial for filling a position and what should be paid attention to first of all.

There is no unified application form for recruiting personnel, so make it up in any form and fix it in your company's internal documents. Include these sections in the application:

  • Requisition title
  • Purpose, functionality, and tasks of the position
  • Requirements and work experience
  • Knowledge and skills
  • Educational level
  • Gender and age
  • Health
  • Personal qualities
  • Working conditions
  • Wages and growth prospects
  • Criteria for passing the probationary period
  • Any other important information

Tip: When submitting your job requisition, comply with the requirements of the anti-discrimination laws of your local jurisdiction.

Job Requisition vs. Job Description vs. Job Posting

As we already mentioned, a job requisition is a document that provides all the information needed to fill a vacancy quickly. A high-quality document will help you make a high-quality selection. A recruitment application is a sound basis for a job profile - a tool for assessing employees. In short, a job requisition is the filling of a job position, a job description explains the job requirements, and a job posting markets it to potential candidates. Let’s go into more detail.

Job Description

A job description is an internal organizational and administrative document containing a specific list of the employee's job duties, taking into account the specifics of the organization of production, labor, management, rights and measures of responsibility, and qualification requirements for the position held.

The job description performs the following tasks:

  • Establishing qualification requirements for a particular position and work performed (education, work experience, availability of special training, etc.);
  • Defining the employee's job responsibilities (terms of reference, the scope of work, areas for which the employee is responsible, etc.); and
  • Setting the limits of employee liability.

Thus, the job description's primary purpose is to define the employee's scope of duties, rights, and responsibilities.

Job Posting

The main task of job posting is to motivate a suitable candidate to work for you. It should be remembered that people are more likely to respond according to two main criteria: prestige and salary. However, one should not forget about other motivators – the location (how close to home), stable salary payments, flexible working hours, or the ability to work from home.

Checklist for job posting:

  • Think about your target audience. Describe the approximate age, interests, values, and motives of your candidates.
  • Use numbers and brands: work schedule, company name and logo, salary, number of employees, and facts about your organization – these all work in your favor.
  • Write in simple language. Move away from specialized terminology in the description of job responsibilities.
  • A good job posting consistently sells the company, the vacancy, and growth prospects. If all three of these components are built correctly, your post will attract people. 
  • Write in detail. The more information the candidate has about the vacancy, the more likely they will respond.

The Job Requisition Form

Since there is no unified form of how to write a job requisition form (after all, all companies are different, as are the needs and requirements of its managers), Talenteria has collected useful links to different job requisition forms. This way, you can find something that suits your wishes:

SHRM Template

Sample forms

Typeform template

